611.59A31/74a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Iceland (MacVeagh)
124. Public announcement of intention to negotiate a trade agreement with Iceland was issued today.23 Listed below are the paragraph numbers of the United States Tariff Act of 193024 which include [Page 773] the items on which the United States has announced its intention to consider granting concessions to Iceland. Following the numbers are listed the products of particular interest to Iceland which are to be considered under the respective tariff paragraphs. 717(c), mainly dried, unsalted fish, including “stockfish”; 718(a), mainly such Scandinavian specialties as herring fillets in oil, or in oil and sauce; 718 (b), mainly such Scandinavian canned fish specialties as smoked herring fillets and boiled codfish balls; 719(2), mainly dried and green-salted cod; 719(4), salted herring of different kinds of cut and cure; 720(a) (6), mainly smoked lake fish; 721(d), fish roe other than sturgeon; 1685 and 1780, fish scrap and meal for fertilizer and for other than human consumption; 1730(b), cod oil and cod-liver oil; 1519(a), dressed lamb and sheep skins.
The closing date for submission of briefs is December 8, and a public hearing will be held on December 15.
Further instructions will follow.