740.0011 European War 1939/10209: Telegram
The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 23—8:23 a.m.]
273. On the formal request of the British Minister this Legation has today assumed charge of British diplomatic and consular interests on the mainland of Greece.
The King confirmed to me this morning that the Greek Army in Albania has ceased fighting. The exact terms of the armistice are not yet known here but they are believed to be exclusively of a military nature and to include the placing of a screen of German troops between the Greeks and Italians, the non-entry of Italian troops into Greece and the disbanding of the Greek Army. The King said that German troops are now moving south on the Jannina–A [apparent omission]. The ladies of the Royal Family have left by plane for Crete and King will depart early tomorrow in a similar manner taking Tsouderos4c with him. Ministers of Marine, War and Public Safety5 will remain here to collaborate with General Wilson during next few days. Some members of Government will leave on a war vessel tonight and British plan to take others together with Allied diplomats on freighters or yachts as best they can.
Major Baker asks War be informed that British forces on Thermopylae line report no contact with Germans at present and are continuing preparations for evacuation. German air attacks on roads, airdromes and ports continue.