Memorandum by Mr. James W. Riddleberger of the Division of European Affairs
Mr. von Strempel of the German Embassy called late this afternoon and advised me that the German Government has now agreed to the release of Allen, Hottelet, Nelson and Jacobsen against Zapp, Tonn, Rieth and Bürk. He said the four Americans could depart from Germany with the consular group26 and would be guaranteed safe conduct to Lisbon (I had previously insisted on this safe conduct to Lisbon in view of Allen’s uncertain status with the French authorities) provided the four Germans could depart with the German consular party. He stated further than if Zapp could be released at once to liquidate the Trans-Ocean office, the German Government would immediately release Hottelet from detention.
Upon the receipt of this information I got into touch with the Department of Justice and received from Mr. Scofield26a their approval of the exchange. Mr. Scofield also said that instructions had been given to release Zapp from detention in order to liquidate his office. Mr. Zapp will be accompanied, however, by an agent of the Department of Justice.