811.91262/203: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:05 p.m.]
1061. In continuation of my 1021, March 19, 5 p.m.,8 Embassy has been verbally informed by German Foreign Office that Jay Allen of [Page 602] North American Newspaper Alliance twice crossed the demarcation line between unoccupied and occupied France without the permit required by existing German regulations and that he was arrested while attempting to return to unoccupied France by crossing the demarcation line clandestinely. Allen is at present under arrest at Chalon-sur-Saône. No information is as yet available in respect to the other American allegedly arrested with Allen. Foreign Office believes case is not one for intervention since Allen’s offense is a clear violation of well-known regulations. According to the Foreign Office the Embassy in Paris is fully informed.
Embassy withholding further action pending the receipt from the Embassy in Paris or from the Department of more complete information.
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