811.91262/185: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:33 p.m.]
975. Richard Hottelet, American member of the staff of the Berlin agency of the United Press, was arrested in his dwelling at 7:00 o’clock this morning “on suspicion of espionage for an enemy power” and is confined in Alexander Platz Police Station. I immediately sent a member of the Embassy to United Press Office where German secret police were stated to be conducting an investigation. The Criminal Director there took away all the contents of Hottelet’s desk but informed the Manager of the United Press that the accusation was directed only against Hottelet personally and not against the United Press and further said it had nothing to do with the legal action taken in the United States against correspondents of the Transocean Service.
A member of the Embassy also went to see the competent official in the German secret police who stated that after the period of inquiry during which Hottelet may not be interviewed, he will be given an opportunity to have legal counsel and to speak with a representative of the Embassy in accordance with the usual practice. He indicated that the case would receive early attention from the prosecuting judge.
Oral representations in Hottelet’s behalf were made at the Foreign Office when it was stated that information as to the cause of the arrest would be promptly furnished.
A detailed report follows in air mail pouch leaving Tuesday next.