740.00112 European War 1939/4222: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

1605. Murphy reports December 23 there has been official discussion regarding possibility of shipment 4,000 tons gasoline (from French military or naval stocks) from French North Africa to Libya and that colonial authorities have objected that it would be a direct violation of our economic accord. Murphy’s “reliable” informant stated that present plan is to send the gasoline from France for delivery via Tunisia.

Vice Admiral Fenard professed to Murphy ignorance of any such plan, stating that his, Fenard’s, function is purely economic.

Murphy believes that military and naval authorities have orders from Vichy not to discuss such matters with him and he told Fenard that since the departure of Weygand there is no one in North Africa with a complete knowledge of the situation with whom he can discuss such matters.

It is our opinion here that Germany is pressing Vichy and will continue with increasing pressure to demand assistance for the Axis troops in Libya.

While it is highly probable that Darlan in the past promised some such assistance we are unable to obtain evidence that assistance has as yet been given.

Greetings from two Christmas laborers.
