740.00112 European War 1939/2605a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Algiers (Cole)
98. You are requested to inform General Weygand through Chatel of the following decision on the part of this Government:
In view of the assurances given by General Weygand at Algiers on February 26, 1941 and subsequently confirmed by the French Government at Vichy, negotiations regarding the purchase in this country of supplies urgently needed for French North Africa have been proceeding between French North African, American and British representatives. A preliminary schedule of urgent purchases has been approved and funds will be released by Treasury license to permit these purchases. These supplies will go forward in vessels provided by the French authorities with the transit of which the British Government will not interfere, and their distribution will be under the control of an American organization set up in French North Africa in pursuance of General Weygand’s agreement.
This Government is glad to offer these facilities because it believes that this method presents the possibility of preventing the economic disintegration of French North Africa and of preserving the French administrative control in that area.
This Government has also welcomed assurances from General Weygand and the French Government that they will in every way endeavor to check the spread of German influence in these territories. It will, of course, be understood that should there be any infiltration of Germans into North Africa sufficiently serious to imply impending loss of control of the territory, this Government will no longer be able to continue its program of assistance and will be under the necessity of so informing the French and British Governments. General Weygand will, of course, appreciate that this arrangement has been concluded with the full knowledge and agreement of the British Government freely given.