851.48/491: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Leahy)
771. The British Government has agreed to a proposal submitted to it on behalf of the American Red Cross to permit continuance for the present of a limited supply of milk for children in unoccupied France. The American Red Cross is prepared to make arrangements for the shipment and distribution of milk, vitamin concentrates and clothing for children only, and the shipment and distribution of medical supplies for sick children and adults. If possible the relief supplies will be transported to Marseille in an American Red Cross ship for distribution under the terms and conditions established for the shipments on the Cold Harbor and Exmouth,99 subject to the availability of milk supplies in the present market. It is proposed to include in the cargo to go forward in approximately 30 days, 3,280 tons of milk concentrates costing approximately $1,000,000, layettes and children’s clothing to the value of approximately $900,000 and certain medical supplies to the value of approximately $50,000 which may later be included if the shipment of such supplies is approved.
It is essential that confirmation of the agreement by the French Government to the continuation of the operations in unoccupied France and in accordance with the established procedure and the terms of the previous agreements relating thereto be obtained.
You are requested to ascertain whether the French Government will be disposed to give its agreement to these conditions and proposals.