740.0011 European War 1939/16489: Telegram
The Minister in Finland (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 8—1:04 a.m.]
561. Following translation authorized statement local press today.
“Report has been spread abroad recent days that August 18 last Finland was apprised conditions on which Soviet Union was willing conclude peace with Finland. This report has been spread not only for propaganda purposes. It is directly untrue.
Detailed reports of conversation which Finnish Minister Washington had with a representative of USA State Department August 18 last and through which it is claimed Finnish Government was apprised of Soviet Russian peace offer will be published after Finnish Government’s answer65 has been delivered to diplomatic representations recently made by USA Government.
Alleged content of supposed peace conditions came to knowledge of Finnish Government through a foreign radio propaganda broadcast, 5th, current, November.”66