740.0011 European War 1939/16372: Telegram
The Minister in Finland (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 4—4:27 p.m.]
544. Minister of Finance Pekkala today sent me word through third person that he hoped no final action would be taken by United States in present crisis affecting Finland until after November 6 next [Page 90] on which date he hoped to secure from Social Democratic Party leaders decision as to policy to be followed.64 My informant said Pekkala had intimated many Social Democrats were in disagreement with Government policy in which Tanner had concurred and proposed to bring pressure to bear on latter in conformity with their view of what Finnish policy should be, namely, to end hostilities at earliest possible moment. Informant states further that Pekkala recently spent several days in Central Finland where he had ascertained that apart from land owners and more prosperous elements practically everybody was heartily tired of war and wished to end it at once. I understand Pekkala expressed intention to offer his resignation from Cabinet if present policy is not changed.
Above report is symptomatic of spirit undoubtedly prevailing among many Social Democrats but I am not by any means certain that it will have any controlling effort [effect?] upon Government’s policy.
- The Minister in Finland reported in telegram No. 569, November 8, that he had been informed that Tanner had declined Pekkala’s suggestion for a meeting of the Social Democratic Party leaders on November 6. At a meeting of the leaders on the following day in Pekkala’s absence, they agreed that Finnish foreign policy should be debated in the Diet. (740.0011 European War 1939/16482)↩