793.94112/388: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (Butrick) to the Secretary of State

784. Reference my 639, July 15, 3 p.m. On August 12 I received a consular body circular embodying a letter from the Japanese Consul General transmitting the following proclamation:

“I hereby proclaim that my proclamation on the 15th July 1940, on the prohibition of shipping in the areas including Hangchow Bay, Shanghai [Hsiangshan?] Pu, Wenchow Harbor, Foochow Harbor, Santuao and Layuan Wan will be extended, by reasons of military necessities, to cover the area given below, and that this proclamation will become effective as from midnight between the 14th and 15th August 1940.

This area enclosed by straight lines connnecting, from north to south, Kerr Island and High Cone, High Cone and Pinghai, Pinghai and Pyramid Point and Pyramid Point and Chimmo Point, including in the area, amongst others, Singhwa Wan, Pinghai Wan, Meichow Po, Port Matheson, Chuanchow, Chiang and Chimmo Wan. Tenth August 1940, Vice Admiral Shigetaro Shimada, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese China Seas Fleet.”

The senior American naval officer present and American shipping companies in Shanghai have been informed.

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Sent to Department, repeated to Peiping, Chungking, Foochow, by air mail to Tokyo.
