711.94/1517: Telegram
The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 5—10:48 a.m.]
414. 1. Premier Yonai issued a lengthy statement to the press yesterday by replying to questions which had probably been submitted in advance on the international and domestic problems. The following is a summary of the main points of the statement as reported in the vernacular press:
- (a)
- American-Japanese relations. Consideration is being given measures designed remedy present undesirable status relations with [Page 345] United States. Nature of measures under consideration cannot be revealed now. Presence American fleet Hawaii may be designed bring pressure Japan, but Japan not impressed and has full confidence in own naval strength. United States seems eager enter hostilities Europe and may therefore become involved in those hostilities without giving consideration position of Japan.
- (b)
- Negotiations for settlement of China incident. Measures for disposing of China incident proceeding as previously planned. Instructions decided China Affairs Board meeting May 31 will go forward to General Abe, Nanking. These instructions secret and may not be revealed at present time but successful results anticipated. No negotiations whatsoever with Government [at] Chungking are under consideration. Government has no knowledge activities by third powers looking toward a settlement China incident. Yangtze River will be reopened general shipping, but no commitment may be made now regarding exact date. Government’s policy is to recognize Wang regime at earliest possible date, probably following signing of basic Sino-Japanese agreement.
- (c)
- Policy of non-involvement in European conflict. Government is prepared cope with any conceivable contingency but has not yet considered abandoning non-involvement policy which believed most suitable to Japan’s aims for present. Japan’s policy toward Netherlands East Indies as stated by Foreign Minister has undergone no change. (Miyako reports Premier stated improvement trade relations with Netherlands Indies would be one step toward closer cooperation between two countries.)
- (d)
- Russo-Japanese relations. In addition to diplomatic efforts for settlement individual questions pending, maybe worthwhile undertake some political move for better relations with Russia. Russia now more concerned with West than East.
- (e)
- Domestic Problems. Four-Minister Council more properly be called roundtable conference for exchange information military and diplomatic questions rather than policy deliberating body. Necessary reassure public concerning supply rice and full faith placed in abilities of Ministers concerned.
2. Premier’s interview is prominently featured in all this morning’s papers. Emphasis is placed upon the immutable policy for the settlement of the China incident and the fact that Japan’s non-involvement policy is elastic. Premier Yonai’s statement concerning consideration of watching to improve relations with the United States may be of some significance.
Shanghai please repeat by naval radio to Peiping, Chungking.