
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Philippine A fairs (Jacobs) of a Conversation With the Counselor of the Japanese Embassy (Morishima)

Mr. Morishima called to inform me that his Embassy had been instructed by the Japanese Government to say that the Association of [Page 993] Japanese Exporters of Cotton Piece Goods desired a renewal for two years of the existing agreement limiting the importation of Japanese cotton textiles into the Philippines48 to 45,000,000 square meters per annum. He said that his Government was very anxious to have the renewal made for two years in order to avoid having the question brought up so often. He thought that it would be to the best interests of both the American and Japanese textile manufacturers to have the situation stabilized for a period at least that long.

I told Mr. Morishima that I would place the matter before those concerned and communicate with him later.

J[oseph] E. J[acobs]
  1. See exchange of memoranda, July 19–20, 1939, Foreign Relations, 1939, Vol. iv, pp. 466467.