800.1115A/263: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Chungking, December 3, 1940—2
[Received 2:40 p.m.]
[Received 2:40 p.m.]
601. Shanghai’s 1304, November 26, 3 p.m.,10 paragraph 2.
- 1.
- I have learned from American missionary sources that a Sino-American committee has been formed in Chungking under chairmanship of Dr. H. H. Kung11 for the purpose of fostering the removal from the occupied to the unoccupied areas of American missionaries; that Chinese Government has given assurances that it will facilitate the movement into the unoccupied areas of American missionaries even to the extent of furnishing them with transportation; that it is estimated that about 400 American missionaries, apparently all men, are willing to participate in the movement to the unoccupied areas and that for the present the proposed transfer is in abeyance pending the receipt of instructions from the home boards of the missionaries concerned.
- 2.
- I may say that the Chinese authorities and the American missionaries concerned have taken the action set forth above without reference to this Embassy and presumably with full knowledge of the [Page 955] fact that official advice to American nationals to withdraw included the unoccupied areas.
Sent to the Department. Repeated to Peiping, Shanghai.