393.1163 Am 33/309: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Myers) to the Secretary of State

Reference my September 29, 6 p.m.57 and previous in regard to interference with Southern Baptist Mission Hospital. The head of the hospital has informed this office that he and the Japanese Military authorities concerned have agreed upon a modus vivendi under which motor cars, identified by national flags, and other vehicles carrying foreign passengers may freely enter the hospital premises, the hospital vehicles carrying only Chinese including patients and others will be subjected to one inspection by sentry in street. The barrier in front of main entrance has been removed.

This arrangement which embodies mutual concessions was drawn up during a friendly conference between the head of the hospital and the military authorities concerned, former commandant of the adjacent encampment and former head of the third section of military headquarters who have recently returned to Canton. The arrangement at least reflects a marked improvement in the attitude heretofore shown by the authorities in this case and if carried out in good faith should obviate objectionable interference with the operations of the hospital.

Sent to Peiping, repeated to the Department and Chungking.

  1. Not printed.