740.00111 European War 1939/520
The Secretary of State to the Costa Rican Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Tinoco)
My Government greatly appreciates the noble and unselfish sentiments which prompted the initiative of Costa Rica referred to in Your Excellency’s telegram of October 8 and desires of course to take every proper step in accord with the other American republics to assist in the promotion of peace in the world.
The Government of the United States on numerous occasions has sought to limit so far as might be possible the area of the present tragic conflict. In the present instance, and with specific reference to the suggestion proffered in Your Excellency’s telegram, the Government of the United States believes that it might be more appropriate for the American republics, should they so desire, to make the proposed appeal individually rather than collectively.
The Government of the United States expresses its most sincere thanks to Your Excellency’s Government for this new evidence of its desire to further cooperation and understanding between the American republics, and I extend to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.