740.00111 European War 1939/525: Telegram
The Minister in Uruguay (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:03 p.m.]
227. Guani7 tells me that recently Spanish friends urged him to take the initiative in having the American countries of Spanish origin send a message to Franco on October 12 urging the maintenance of Spanish neutrality. Those who urged this course informed him that Franco was subject to terrific pressure from Hitler to enter the war, that he was resisting to the best of his ability, and would welcome such a message from the American countries which would strengthen his hand.
Guani began consultations with other countries the first of this week, but on finding that his initiative had crossed another of similar nature on the part of the Central American Republics, and in view of unfavorable [Page 774] replies from Chile and Argentina, he has abandoned the matter.
The Chilean Government informed him yesterday that contrary to expectations it would not renew diplomatic relations with the Spanish Government on October 12 and therefore could not participate in the proposed action. Peru accepted. The Argentine Government proposed that instead of collective action each Government send a message individually to Franco. Guani said that he was in close touch with Roca8 and that if Argentine Government should in fact send a message to Franco it was possible that Uruguay would also do so.