740.0011 European War 1939/2019: Telegram
The Minister in Sweden (Sterling) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 9—2:20 p.m.]
179. It is impossible for the Foreign Minister to see me today but an officer of the Legation has had a short and because of pressure not entirely satisfactory interview with the Chief of the Political Division of the Foreign Office who said that Germany had informed Sweden, presumably last night, of her plans in Denmark and Norway. He added that Germany had made no request for the passage of troops through Sweden or brought pressure to bear on Sweden other than to express the desire and expectation that Sweden would remain neutral. He considers the situation very critical for Sweden.
From an unimpeachable source it is learned that no general mobilization will be announced today as was generally expected but that one or two additional classes will be called to the colors immediately. My informant expects further classes to be called up as developments warrant which eventually would amount to general mobilization but the latter will not be announced because of the possibility of offending Germany and also so as not to create a panicky situation in Sweden.
The Swedish Government assumes that the statement from Berlin that Germany has laid mines outside Goteborg is correct.
Our Consul at Oslo reports by telephone that the Department’s telegram of last night addressed to the Legation there was received.