611.3331/271: Telegram
The Chargé in Uruguay (Dwyre) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 10—1 a.m.]
81. Department’s telegram No. 58, September 29, 4 p.m., and my telegram No. 80, October 5, noon.12 I have just received a signed note dated today from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of which the following is a translation.
“With reference to the Legation’s note dated July 10, 1939, transmitting the memorandum of the Department of State of June 28, and to the conversations held regarding plans for the negotiations of a commercial treaty between our Government and the Government of the United States of America I have pleasure in confirming herewith, Mr. Chargé d’Affaires, that Uruguay likewise desires sincerely that international commerce be conducted on multilateral bases and with minimum of obstacles and difficulties.
The bilateral agreements which Uruguay has made with countries which at present purchase the greater part of its products are due, generally, to the desire of those countries that the exchange created by their purchases be devoted preferentially to the payment of the financial and commercial services which Uruguay owes them.
The Government of the United States of America recognizes that our Government is compelled to exercise control over imports with a view to safeguarding the service of the foreign debt and other remittances of funds abroad and to protect the exchange rate of Uruguayan currency during periods of foreign exchange difficulties.
The Government of the United States recognizing the necessity of this measure, it is possible, in the opinion of the Uruguayan Government, that the control may be effected on the basis of quantitative regulation as suggested by the Government of the United States, it being admitted also that this system of regulation may be implanted without causing disturbances in the commerce which the Republic is maintaining with other countries, provided that action in this regard is exercised with the elasticity of viewpoint demonstrated in the memorandum under acknowledgment.
The Government of the United States of America has borne in mind, at the same time, the importance which we attribute to the meat trade, examining carefully the points relative to the imports of canned or frozen meats from Uruguay. The procedures which it proposes for the study of the sanitary laws and regulations now in force encourage the hope that there may be obtained a change favorable to us as regards the present situation.
Consequently, our Government is in agreement in that there be made the announcement of a formal intention to negotiate a treaty of commerce between both countries and expresses its conformity with the regime of quantitative regulation referred to above.
The projected commercial agreement will provide assurance that imports into Uruguay coming from the United States of America will [Page 796] receive any advantage that may be granted for imports from any other sources and that all governmental regulation of imports into Uruguay will be applied in a non-discriminatory manner.
As expressed in the memorandum referred to of the authorities of the United States of America, the Government of Uruguay will indicate at an early date, as soon as the announcement of these negotiations has been promoted, the conditions which it would expect from the Government of the United States of America in the formulation of a commercial agreement.
I have pleasure in presenting to you, Mr. Chargé d’Affaires, the assurances of my very distinguished consideration. Signed Alberto Guani.”
Original Spanish text with English translation will be transmitted by the next airmail pouch.
- Neither printed.↩