812.52—Agrarian Commission/273/7

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)

No. 2376

Sir: The Department has received your despatch no. 8007 of January 26, 1939 enclosing a copy and translation of the Mexican Government’s note of January 19, 1939 stating that President Cárdenas, in commenting on the attitude of the United States Government towards the payment of compensation for agrarian affectations, had reference only to the arrangement effected by this Government’s note of November 9, 1938,12 and the Mexican Government’s reply of November 12, 1938.13

There is enclosed a copy of a memorandum on this matter prepared in the office of the Legal Adviser.14 The statements in the memorandum may be considered an expression of the Department’s views in this matter. You are accordingly requested to address a note to the Mexican Foreign Office, acknowledging without comment the receipt of its note dated January 19, 1939.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles