812.52—Agrarian Commission/273/7
The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 31.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction no. 2335 of January 14, 1939, directing the transmission to the Foreign Office of a note regarding statements attributed to President Cárdenas, concerning agrarian affectations9 and compensation therefor.
In compliance with the Department’s instructions, a note was sent to the Foreign Office under date of January 16, 1939. This note was delivered personally by Mr. Boal, at that time Chargé d’Affaires ad [Page 657] interim, who made the remarks requested by the Department in its instruction under reference. A copy of this Note is enclosed.10
The Embassy is now in receipt of a note from the Foreign Office, dated January 19, 1939, a copy and translation of which are enclosed,10 in reply. The Embassy has made no acknowledgment of the note, pending the receipt of further instructions from the Department.
Respectfully yours,