611.2531/368: Telegram

The Chargé in Chile (Frost) to the Secretary of State

167. Referring to my telegram No. 166, September 30, 2 p.m. After discussion tonight Ortega despatched the following two telegrams. Translations. First to the Chilean Delegation, Panama.23

“Please proceed to announce in accordance with Sumner Welles the negotiation of commercial agreement with the United States, in the confidence that the Secretary of State will continue sponsoring in the manner offered the entry of the Cía. Sudamericana de Vapores to the freights conference,24 whose meeting is to be held next Tuesday. Have telegraphed Washington to this same effect.”

Second telegram to Chilean Embassy Washington.

“Have telegraphed today to delegation at Panama Conference that it may announce at the conference the negotiation of the commercial agreement in accord with Sumner Welles and in the confidence that the Secretary of State will continue to sponsor in the manner offered the entry of Cía. Sudamericana de Vapores to the freights conference.”

The foregoing telegrams have been given to the press here for publication in tomorrow Sunday morning’s newspapers in the expectation that similar information will be released to the press immediately in Washington and Panama. I regret inclusion of the phrase respecting freights conference but it was considered sine qua non by Ortega. I should suppose that it need not be given to the press at Panama or Washington at least by us—its value for publication being local here to Chilean Government.

  1. Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics Held at Panama, September 23–October 3, 1939; see pp. 15 ff.
  2. The Chilean Government was at this time supporting the efforts of Chilean steamship companies to develop shipping lines to foreign countries. Because of the outbreak of the European war, the Compañía Sudamericana de Vapores had given up a line to Europe and wanted to establish one to New York. The Chilean Government was insisting that this company be admitted to the American Shipping Conference in return for opening negotiations for entering into a trade agreement.