832.51/1522: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)
131. Your 219, July 18, 4 p.m. The Council states that it has sent two telegrams to Aranha, the first on July 1, reminding the Brazilian Government of its agreement to resume service on July 1 (which the Department did its best to persuade the Council not to send), and the second on July 11, setting forth the arrangements for Dr. Munro’s visit. The Council states that failing to have a reply from Aranha as to whether the arrangements were satisfactory, it has been compelled to release the passage which it had reserved for Dr. Munro on the plane leaving Miami July 23. A new reservation has been made on the next plane, leaving Miami July 26.
The Council has informed the Department that it will send no more-telegrams but it cannot instruct Dr. Munro to proceed to Brazil unless it receives a reply from Aranha indicating that the arrangements outlined in its telegram of July 11 are satisfactory.
The Department is fully aware of the difficulties confronting Aranha and appreciates what he has done to advance matters even to this point. It is hoped that he can be induced to take the next essential step of telegraphing the Council as soon as possible in order that Dr. Munro can leave on July 26.