824.6363 St 2/303: Telegram
The Minister in Bolivia (Caldwell) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:40 a.m.]
5. Dr. Guachalla told me yesterday that he had definite reason to believe that the Bolivian Government would accede to a direct arrangement with Standard Oil Company similar to plan b) mentioned in my despatch 430 of January 25, but to be formulated in a single legal instrument called “Transacción” in the Bolivian Civil Code. He was, of course, uncertain what formula could be devised to safeguard the principle in which the company is interested or as to the amount of compensation. He felt, however, that his hands would be strengthened here if he had some expression from the Department as to the general plan and perhaps later than [on?] at the appropriate time some assistance in working out the necessary details with the company.