611.3531/903a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)
134. To avoid loss of time, you should begin at once discussions in regard to the general provisions of the proposed agreement, on the basis of the draft enclosed with instruction no. 6 of June 28.
Comments on the general provisions and certain recent improvements in language will be sent shortly by air mail. These should be helpful in your discussions. Meanwhile, proceed as far as you can with the aid of such telegraphic instructions as you may feel called upon to seek in regard to difficult points encountered in the discussions. A tentative list of concessions to be requested of Argentina is being prepared and a copy thereof, with supporting data, will be sent to you as soon as possible. Meanwhile you can assemble and bring up to date the relevant material available to the Embassy, with a view to offering helpful comments on the tentative list when it is received and before it is transmitted to the Argentine authorities. You should suggest to the Argentine authorities that they bring up to date their studies of articles of which the United States is the first or an important supplier, in order to avoid delay in their consideration of our tentative requests.
This procedure, which has been discussed with Ambassador Espil, should be agreeable to the Argentine authorities in view of paragraph [Page 256] 3 of the Foreign Office note of August 22.21 However, you should make it clear that the question of the locus of the negotiations during the later stages is being held in abeyance for the time being.