Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan)
The Minister30 informed me that he had received a letter from Señor Don Carlos Salazar, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, suggesting that he have an informal chat with me to ascertain whether this Government was aware of any new developments with regard to the dispute with Great Britain over Belize or had further information as to exactly the scope of the proposed arbitration. Dr. Recinos stated that naturally Dr. Salazar, having worked for so many years on the dispute, was desirous of pushing its solution as rapidly as possible to a conclusion.
I informed Dr. Recinos that we also did not have a clear idea of exactly what sort of arbitration the British were prepared to accept. In an endeavor to secure a more precise definition, Mr. Welles had decided to approach the British Ambassador again. This would probably be done some time during the week so that we might know more of the British attitude in the near future.
The Minister stated that he knew Dr. Salazar would appreciate this further effort on the part of the United States to advance the matter and that he would deeply appreciate my informing him opportunely of any further information that might be secured from the British Ambassador regarding the intentions of his Government.
- Adrian Recinos, Guatemalan Minister.↩