The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 2.]
Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 40 of September 25, 6 p.m., 1939, I have the honor to discuss the developments in the Belize question which have occurred since September 22 (see my despatch No. 1003 of that date).
As reported in my telegram under reference, I did not immediately call on the Acting Foreign Minister, Licenciado Carlos Fernández Cordova, to discuss with him the points mentioned in the Department’s telegram, inasmuch as the major point—the question of whether the Belize dispute should be brought before the Panama Conference—appeared already to have been settled. On Monday afternoon, however, I informed him that the Department had received a note evidently worded in almost precisely the same language as the note which the Guatemalan Foreign Office had received, and that Mr. Welles would be glad to give sympathetic attention at Panama to any views which Mr. Salazar might express.
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Respectfully yours,