The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations (Pittman) to the Secretary of State
Washington, March 14,
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to
transmit to you herewith, for your consideration and any recommendation
or report you may feel disposed to make, the resolution (S. Res. 100)
requesting information concerning the territorial rights of the Republic
of Guatemala.
With expressions of respect, I am
[Page 174]
Senate Resolution 100, 76th Congress, 1st
In the Senate of the United States
March 13, 1939
Mr. Reynolds submitted the following resolution;
which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations
Resolved, That the Senate of the United
States requests that the Secretary of State submit to it (if not
incompatible with the public interest) information as to what, if
anything, is being done by our Government toward protecting, as a
part of the Monroe Doctrine, the alleged territorial rights of our
sister Republic of Guatemala in its dispute with Great Britain over
Belize (British Honduras), as evidenced by the White Book recently released by the Guatemalan Government
protesting the procedure of Great Britain and appealing to the
universal concurrence of civilized nations to come to her aid; and
in which the Guatemalan Government has unsuccessfully urged that
Great Britain accept President Franklin D. Roosevelt as