715.1715/1465: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras (Salter)
31. Your telegram no. 42, October 25, 3 p.m. It is our understanding that Dr. Corrigan and Dr. Zúñiga Montúfar have exchanged correspondence with regard to the possibility of holding a meeting of the Mediation Commission sometime in December without the presence of representatives of Honduras and Nicaragua, for the purpose of considering the future course of the mediation.
The Department is convinced that the mediation proceedings afford perhaps the most effective means of bringing about a solution of this long-standing dispute and has never entertained the thought of recommending their termination. Moreover, the Department has received no intimation from any source that there is a disposition on the part of the other members of the Commission to terminate the mediation. Please communicate the foregoing informally to the Chief of Protocol or other appropriate officials of the Honduran Government.
It is hoped that with this explanation the Honduran Government will desist from any efforts to oppose the proposed meeting, but in the event that it maintains contrary views, it is believed that any communication or consultation on the subject should appropriately be held with the President of the Commission in San José rather than with the Department.
[Page 172]For your confidential information the Department considers that it would be highly undesirable for any special representative of the Honduran Government to come to Washington in this connection and if this proposal is again brought to your attention, you should endeavor discreetly but firmly to discourage it.
Please keep the Department closely informed of all developments.
[No further meeting of the Mediation Commission was held in 1939.]