715.1715/1465: Telegram
The Chargé in Honduras (Salter) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:15 p.m.]
42. Lardizabal, the Chief of Protocol, today informed me in strict confidence and on his own initiative of the following contemplated action by the Honduran Government in connection with the Honduran-Nicaraguan boundary question.
Lardizabal said that the technical adviser of the Honduran delegation to the Mediation Conference was told recently in Panama City by Señor Montúfar that Dr. Corrigan and Montúfar would meet soon to discuss question of ending the mediation.
My informant stated that Honduras would prefer not to have the mediators meet now. The Foreign Minister has drafted a note to Montúfar asking for a postponement of the projected meeting of the commission, but the protocol chief persuaded him not to send it.
The Foreign Office has now called the Ministers of Honduras in Salvador and Managua to Tegucigalpa for consultation on the subject. Lardizabal stated that the Government plans to persuade their [Minister?] at San Salvador and head of the Honduran delegation to the Conference at San José, to make a special trip to Washington to suggest to the Department that projected meeting be postponed and that no steps be taken for the present by anyone concerned with the dispute. Lardizabal will oppose sending the Minister to Washington. He has asked me to ascertain whether the meeting is actually scheduled to take place. If the Department can supply any pertinent information which I may give to my informant, I should appreciate being informed thereof as soon as possible.