793.94112/282: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:10 p.m.]
1122. Reference my 1115, December 18, 4 p.m. The following is the statement issued yesterday afternoon by the Japanese military and naval authorities at Shanghai on the reopening of the lower Yangtze:
[“]Conditions along the lower Yangtze River have, of late, permitted a gradual relaxation of the absolute military requirements which have necessitated the closure of the river.
In view of the above and in order to meet this situation, the Japanese military and naval authorities in the field have decided to launch various preparations with a view to reopening the Yangtze below Nanking, subject to restrictions necessitated by military requirements and by measures for the maintenance of peace and order.”
Repeated to Peiping, Chungking and Nanking, by airmail to Tokyo.