740.00111A Recruiting/33
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Adviser on Political Relations (Dunn)
The Ambassador of Poland57 came in this morning to inform the Department that, having seen reports in the press that the new Polish Prime Minister, M. Sikorski, had stated that an appeal would be made to the Poles in the United States and Canada to assist Poland in defense of her territory, and that they might possibly be recruited in the armed forces for that purpose, he, the Ambassador, had immediately cabled to Sikorski that no attempt should be made to recruit Poles in the United States. The Ambassador stated that he had advised his Government that no action should be taken with regard to the Poles in this country which would in any way be contrary to the neutrality of the United States. He wished the Department to be informed of the stand he had taken in this regard.
- Count Jerzy Potocki.↩