811.111 Diplomatic/14424a
The Secretary of State to American Diplomatic and Consular Officers
Sirs: As a measure of precaution during the existing hostilities, no diplomatic visa or passport visa as a foreign government official shall be issued to a civil official of a country engaged in the European war unless a request therefor, written or oral, shall have been received from the foreign office of the government concerned or, in the absence of such a request, unless the Department’s authorization shall have been obtained by cablegram. Applications of members of the armed forces of a country engaged in the European war must be referred to the Department for consideration with respect to the neutrality law.
Applicants for non-immigrant visas and aliens applying for transit or limited entry certificates, particularly those who are nationals of belligerent countries, should be examined with unusual care to ascertain [Page 697] if their admission would be contrary to the public safety. Police and military certificates may be required in doubtful cases. Consuls should also require convincing evidence of non-immigrant status and ability of the applicants to enter some country at the conclusion of their temporary sojourn in the United States.
Very truly yours,