724.34119/1320: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State
[Received 1:15 p.m.]
98. From Braden. My 97, April 24, noon. President’s confidential secretary told me and Brazilian delegate that the President of Argentina yesterday gave categorical instructions to Argentine Minister [Page 115] for Foreign Affairs to carry out the Conference program with energy and decision. The President will repeat these instructions today. Furthermore, he requests Brazilian delegate and me to keep in touch with his confidential secretary and if the program does not advance as we think it should, immediately to see him and he will take the necessary action at the same time handling the matter so discreetly that the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs will not know of our interviews.
Zubizarreta’s arrival here has been postponed until Sunday. While I am disposed to consider this as typical Paraguayan tactics of procrastination my colleagues who went to Asunción believe that Government is making a sincere attempt to draft a final proposal which will take into consideration Conference viewpoints and perhaps pave the way for the submission of the Conference’s final proposal. It is at least apparent from press despatches that daily meetings are being held in Asunción between Zubizarreta, the President of Paraguay, Minister for Foreign Affairs and important military and political leaders. [Braden.]