724.34119/1318: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

97. From Braden. My 96, April 22, 7 p.m. Alvarado assures me President of Republic is following all details and is determined to push for a rapid final solution based on approximate frontier described in my 95, April 20, 4 p.m. and will instruct Argentine Minister [Page 114] for Foreign Affairs (1) energetically to pursue Conference program, (2) to confirm to Paraguayans Alvarado’s previous declarations that prestige of Argentine President and Government is at stake therefore they insist on an early settlement.

My Brazilian colleague and I have been assured Justo before sailing will exert his influence along these lines with President of the Republic. We have also reviewed situation with the President’s confidential secretary who recognizes urgency of strong decisive action. As closest adviser to the President he believes Ortiz will follow Alvarado’s recommendations. He added the President of Argentina shares our fears regarding Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs and desires the latter to leave for Chile next Friday precisely so that Alvarado may continue Chaco negotiations ad interim.

At Alvarado’s suggestion Brazilian delegate promised to request Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs to urge on Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs in a personal cable the energetic pursuance of our program (your 52, April 23, 3 p.m.) Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs presented this idea to chairmen of mediatory delegations who rejected it as unworkable. Neither party has ratified the treaty; either Bolivia or Paraguay could claim desertion of the June 12 protocol while its terms are unfulfilled; Paraguay might on the other hand take advantage of the idea for further procrastination although in the end refusing to follow it.

The course of action under the treaty of good offices and mediation would amount to a new attempt at direct agreement; little could be expected from it coming immediately after the failure of this Conference to reach such an agreement. Conference delegates believe in the necessity of proceeding to the arbitral compromise as the more effective method.

Questions 1, 3, and 4 of Accioly memorandum have been considered in memorandum transmitted with my despatch 572 of November 27.34 The Conference has already taken action regarding question number 2 as reported in my recent telegrams. [Braden.]

  1. Not printed.