793.94 Advisory Committee/139: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Bucknell) to the Secretary of State

22. My telegram No. 18, January 28, 9 p.m. Stevenson of the British delegation has just informed me that following extended discussion this morning the last paragraph of the draft resolution has now been changed to read as follows:

“Is confident that those states represented on the Council for whom the situation is of special interest will lose no opportunity of examining, in consultation with other similarly interested powers the possibility of any further steps which may contribute to a just settlement of the conflict in the Far East”.

Stevenson said that this change had been largely due to the insistence of the French although the British had also accepted it. Koo was apparently rather unhappy at the change which he considers weakens an already weak statement. The amended resolution will now be referred to the Chinese Government for approval. It is expected that opposition will continue in the Council to the resolution even as amended. The principal opposition it is thought comes from the Pole.

Stevenson explained that the object of the above change was to make the resolution “less imperative” as far as the United States was concerned.

In view of the above the Sino-Japanese conflict will not be considered at this afternoon’s session of the Council and will be postponed at least until Monday and perhaps even later if no agreement can be arrived at by that time.
