882.6351 U.S. Steel Corporation/3: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Walton)

32. Your 54, July 21, 4 p.m.

Please inform the Department by telegraph whether the United States Steel Corporation has been granted the exclusive right to conduct surveys during the period indicated, or whether similar privileges if requested might be accorded other interested firms.
Although the Department has noted President Barclay’s statement to the effect that the Neep concession has now been abandoned, it would be interesting to learn whether a copy of Neep’s promised geological report has ever been made available, either in translation or in the original Dutch. Any information which you may be able to obtain discreetly as to the status of this report, or as to the origin and authenticity of the boring analysis mentioned in the Legation’s telegram No. 35, May 22, 4 p.m., would be appreciated.