882.6351 U.S. Steel Corporation/2: Telegram
The Minister in Liberia (Walton) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 21—3:38 p.m.]
54. Your cable No. 31. President Barclay has, upon application by telegraph from the United States Steel Corporation, granted corporation privilege to make at its own expense preliminary examination of iron ore occurrences in central and western provinces of Liberia [Page 810] for 6 months from date of arrival of engineers in Liberia. This period may be extended upon agreement by the Liberian Government and corporation. Liberian Government will accord engineers all “reasonable assistance” in their work and give full police protection. Liberian Government stipulates that corporation agrees to furnish it authentic copies of engineers report which will be treated as confidential.
The Liberian Government, from information received, has reason to believe that Krupp has been interested in getting the Neep concession through.
President Barclay informs me that owing to Neep’s failure to answer pertinent important questions, all ideas of Government granting Neep concession have been abandoned.