Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hamilton)
I telephoned Admiral Leahy and told him that we had noted a press report from Shanghai to the effect that the San Diego Marines would be withdrawn from Shanghai next month on the Chaumont and that the remaining American Marines at Shanghai would also probably be withdrawn soon. I asked Admiral Leahy whether this report had come to his attention. He said that the Navy Department’s press officer had brought the report to his attention and that in view of the fact that the press report had already occasioned inquiry he had told the Navy Department’s press officer to inform inquirers orally that the Chaumont was going back to Shanghai in the course of its regular schedule; that the Chaumont was due back at Shanghai about the end of January; and that if at that time Admiral Yarnell should consider the situation such as no longer to require the services of the San Diego Marines, the San Diego Marines would be withdrawn.
Admiral Leahy said that this statement accorded with the exact facts of the situation and that in view of the press report he felt that anything less than such a statement would not meet the situation. He inquired whether I agreed. I said that I should like to refer the matter to the Secretary. This I did. In so doing I informed the Secretary that the Navy Department press officer had already given the information along the lines indicated above to a press correspondent so that it was too late for us to do anything in the matter. The Secretary indicated [Page 785] that he had no objection to the action taken by the Navy Department.
I asked Admiral Leahy by telephone to be so good as to get in touch with us when the time came for the Navy Department to give out a formal press release in regard to the withdrawal of the San Diego Marines from Shanghai. I said that we wished to safeguard against any statement which would imply that the Marines had been sent to Shanghai for “fighting” purposes. I said that as the Admiral knew it was our concept that the Marines had been sent to Shanghai for the purpose of protecting American nationals against dangers incident to disorders, particularly in respect to mob violence. Admiral Leahy said that he would get in touch with us in regard to any statement that the Navy Department might issue in regard to this matter.