793.94/11369: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

582. Shanghai’s 1012, November 24, 2 p.m.

My British colleague informed me this morning that the Japanese authorities at Shanghai have indicated that on December 1st Japanese troops are to be sent to occupy Japanese property inside sectors assigned to American and Italian contingents and also that troops will be transported through the International Settlement to Nantao and other points beyond. He stated that the Counselor of the British Embassy would make representations this afternoon.
In view of the urgency of the matter it seemed inexpedient to await instructions and I therefore instructed Dooman62 to call on the Chief of the East Asia Bureau of the Foreign Office and urge that Japanese troops be directed to abstain from entering the areas concerned at this time. Dooman left with Ishii an aide-mémoire based substantially on Shanghai’s telegram above cited.
Ishii seemed surprised that any action such as that indicated in paragraph 1 above would be taken tomorrow. He said that no information to that effect had been received by the Foreign Office and that he would at once communicate with Shanghai. However, he made no other commitment.

Repeated to Shanghai.

  1. Counselor of Embassy in Japan.