793.94/11238: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

561. Department’s 310, November 22, 2 p.m.45

As reported by Associated Press and other American correspondents, Imperial Headquarters was established on November 20th. Its organization and functions follow lines indicated in our 533.46 A statement issued that day by Imperial Headquarters is to the following effect.
Imperial Headquarters is an instrument by which the Emperor will exercise supreme command over the army and navy. Its establishment effects no change in the division between the functions and responsibilities hitherto assigned respectively to the High Command and to the Government and rumors to the effect that these two agencies will be combined are without foundation.
The duties of Imperial Headquarters are to advise the Emperor on the exercise of supreme command, to formulate high strategical plans and to assure coordination between the army and navy.
Members of the Cabinet are not to be assigned to Imperial Headquarters but they will be invited to confer with Imperial Headquarters when occasion arises.
Our estimate with regard to possibilities of a declaration of war as set forth in paragraph 5 of our 524, November 6, 6 p.m., is still [Page 713] that the determining factor will be whether supplies of arms and munitions to China continue in substantial quantities.
  1. Not printed.
  2. November 12, noon, p. 675.