793.94/11239: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 23—9:30 a.m.]
298. My telegram 265, October 14, 10 p.m.44 I have to report direct from the same authoritative source that the former Soviet Ambassador to China Bogomolov and the Military Attaché Lepin [Page 712] have disappeared. My informant believes that they are under arrest. He states definitely that neither will return to China.
Chinese resentment is apparently deep and arises from the fact that Bogomolov and Lepin unwarrantedly had created the belief in many quarters of Nanking that the Soviets would come to China’s aid when no such policy was entertained in the Kremlin. My informant recalled advising me that Bogomolov came here by air several weeks ago with a plan supported by Soviet military leaders in the East for direct Soviet military aid by utilizing Outer Mongolia; that shortly after his arrival my informant came to the conclusion that agreement for actual military aid was impossible. This judgment is now confirmed by developments. He states that in fairness it should be understood that the Foreign Office attitude here had consistently been straightforward and definite in refuting the possibility of any military agreement.
Copy of cipher text by mail to Brussels.