The British Embassy to the Department of State
His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom have received the reply which the United States Government were good enough to return on the 19th of August to their proposal with regard to the situation at Shanghai.
His Majesty’s Government understand that the Japanese Government while indicating preliminary doubts have not given their final answer to the proposal put to them by His Majesty’s Government.
His Majesty’s Government wish to emphasise that if the Chinese and Japanese Governments genuinely accept the scheme quite small numbers of foreign troops should be sufficient for the protection of Japanese nationals. Since this scheme appears to be the only chance of averting further and even more terrible dangers to the International Settlement His Majesty’s Government earnestly trust that the United States Government will be able to declare their readiness to cooperate.
The French Government, though mainly concerned with the French concession, are understood to be ready to contribute something to indicate their solidarity outside of their concession.