793.94/9541: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:05 p.m.]
477. British Ambassador has furnished me a copy of following communication addressed to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs August 18:
“His Excellency, the Commander in Chief of the British Naval forces in China, has drawn my attention to the fact that the attempt to torpedo the Japanese flagship Idzumo at the Nippon Yusen Kaisha Wharf at Shanghai was effected by a Chinese coastal motor boat passing through that section of the Whangpoo River which runs directly in front of the International Settlement south of the Soochow Creek. His Excellency points out that owing to hostilities which are being carried on in the stretch of the river from the Soochow Creek to Woosung, that section of the river is unsafe for neutral vessels, which have been removed, and that the foreign men-of-war are collected in the section fronting the International Settlement south of the Soochow Creek and the French Concession. This has hitherto been regarded as a comparatively safe anchorage. The action of the Chinese authorities in attacking the Idzumo by means of a vessel from the west coast [sic] area has, however, now brought hostilities into this area and the position of foreign men-of-war, already hazardous, may become untenable if this attitude is allowed to continue.
Every effort has been made by the interested powers to ensure that the International Settlement southward of the Soochow Creek and the French Concession should not be used as a base for military operations, and the necessity of maintaining the neutrality of this area has been recognized by both the Chinese and Japanese authorities.
In order that this neutrality may be maintained, it is of the first importance that that portion of the river which fronts the area in question should also be neutralized.
I shall be grateful if Your Excellency will draw the attention of the Chinese Government to this matter and that instructions will be given which will ensure that no military or naval action of any kind is taken in that portion of the Whangpoo River fronting the International Concession south of the Soochow Creek and the French Concession”.
Sent to the Department, Shanghai, Tokyo.