793.94/8829: Telegram
The Counselor of Embassy in China (Peck) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 19—6:30 a.m.]
298. Our 295, July 18, 11 a.m.
1. An officer of this Embassy has obtained from a responsible officer of the Japanese Embassy a “draft translation” made by the latter of the aide-mémoire, dated July 17, which Hidaka left with the Chinese Foreign Minister following their conversation of midnight July 17 as follows:
“As was made clear in their statement of the 11th of July, the Japanese Government, firmly resolved to prevent the situation from being aggravated and still pinning their hope on the negotiations for peace, are exerting every effort with a spirit of utmost restraint and perseverance to bring about an amicable settlement of the incidents at the hands of the local authorities concerned. It is a matter of great regret for the Japanese Government, however, that the Chinese Government not only persist in an unnecessarily provocative attitude but also are putting obstacles by all available means in the way of Chi Chia [Hopei-Chahar] Political Council authorities in carrying into effect the terms for settling the incidents, thus endangering the peace and stability in North China. The Japanese Government [Page 206] are therefore compelled to fear that, should the present situation be allowed to have its own course, it may take an unanticipated turn of extremely grave nature.
In view of the repeated assurances of His Excellency, Dr. Wang Chung Hui, Minister of the Department of Foreign Affairs, that the Chinese Government also entertain the policy of preventing the situation from being aggravated, the Japanese Government earnestly desire that, if such are the real intentions on their part, the Chinese Government will, in substantiation of their avowed intentions, put an immediate stop to all their provocative actions and refrain from impeding the carrying into effect of the terms reached between the local authorities concerned for the settlement of the incidents”.
3. Well informed news agency sources state that the Japanese Embassy has informed the Foreign Office that its reply to the aide-mémoire is expected by 11:30 tonight.
Sent to Peiping, Tokyo.