Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck) of a Conversation With the French Chargé (Henry)
Mr. Henry called me on the telephone yesterday afternoon and stated that he had a telegram from his Foreign Office, dated July 16, which had been delayed in transmission. He said that the French Minister for Foreign Affairs had spoken to the Chinese and the Japanese Ambassadors at Paris in a sense similar to that in which the United States Secretary of State had spoken to the Embassies here of those two countries, urging maintenance of peace. He said that he also had a later telegram in which his Government wished to inquire what would be the view of the American and the British Governments, in the light of steps which have already been taken, of an appeal to the League of Nations or representations based on the Nine Power Treaty. To an inquiry on my part, Mr. Henry said that he thought that this matter need not be brought to the attention of the Secretary until this morning.
Comment: It seems to me that we should be very cautious about committing ourselves in reply to this inquiry.