893.00/13733: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 12—10:30 a.m.]
540. Following received late last night from Nanking:
“November 11, 2 p.m. The following is quoted from translation of a formal note dated November 10 from the Foreign Office.
[Page 525]‘I have the honor to inform you that a bandit suppression campaign is now in progress in Suiyuan, Ningsia, and Chinghai Provinces and in several places in Inner Mongolia, and that necessary military steps are being taken. With a view to protecting the safety of foreigners, the Chinese Government has issued a circular letter suspending the issuance of visas and travel documents to these places and requesting that all foreign residents thereat be promptly withdrawn, as otherwise the Chinese Government can assume no responsibility for their protection.
‘I have the honor to indite this note for your information and to request that instructions be issued to the parties concerned for their compliance.’”
Telegram has been repeated to Tientsin and Hankow for their information and for such action as they may deem advisable in the light of their knowledge of conditions in that part of the area which lies in their respective consular districts.
See registration lists for names of Americans in area described.