893.00/13554: Telegram
The Consul General at Hankow (Josselyn) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:45 a.m.]
My June 16, 3 p.m. Replies have been received to my telegrams to Presbyterian Mission stations at Chenchow, Hengyang and Siangtan. These all state that the situation is quiet and indicate that the missionaries [Page 520] are not withdrawing for the present. Evangelical missionaries have left Siangtan. Chenchow states Kwangtung troops retired south night of June 15. Hengyang reports numbers of Central Government troops are increasing and that nearest opponents are 40 miles away. Siangtan reports conditions there normal. Commander U.S.S. Monocacy at Changsha reports June 16, no change in the general situation; that rumor is current of imminent failure of conference at Hengyang; that Hunan Provincial troops are reported withdrawing from western Hunan with orders to occupy position south of Changsha; that fairly reliable estimates place number of Central Government troops now in Hunan at six divisions with more en route. Americans arriving from Changsha state Governor Ho Chien has remained loyal to Nanking notwithstanding representations from Southwest delegates who went to Changsha last week.
Repeated to Department, Peiping, Nanking, Canton.