The Minister in El Salvador (Corrigan) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 16.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to Department’s instruction No. 172 of December 4, 1935, and to report that the Minister of Foreign Affairs told me today that the studies of the proposed trade agreement which the Department of Hacienda has been conducting are now finished and the report has been placed in his hands. He assured me that the Government’s formal views would be submitted at once and expressed the hope that some of the difficulties which appeared therein could be arranged satisfactorily and took the opportunity of again expressing his desire to cooperate with the Government of the United States in its attempt to improve world conditions. He stated further that relations between his country and the United States had never been so friendly and that he wished that he could have the privilege of casting his vote in favor of the present policies of the United States Government.
Respectfully yours,