- Preliminaries to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of
Peace to be held at Buenos Aires in 1936 (Documents 1–6)
- Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay: (Documents 7–206)
- The Argentine-Chilean Mission (Documents 7–25)
- Proposed Chaco Economic Conference (Documents 26–43)
- The Mediation Group (Documents 44–91)
- The Chaco Peace Conference (Documents 92–206)
- The Argentine-Chilean Mission (Documents 7–25)
- Leticia dispute between Colombia and Peru (Documents 207–233)
- Pan American Commercial Conference held at Buenos Aires, May 26–June 19, 1935
- Treaty between the United States and other American Republics for the
protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historic monuments,
April 15, 1935 (Document 234)
- Interpretation of article IV of the Habana Convention on Commercial Aviation adopted February 20, 1928: (Documents 235–239)
- Good offices of the United States in the reestablishment of diplomatic
representation between Costa Rica and Guatemala (Documents 240–253)
- Cooperation of the United States with other Governments in the
construction of the Inter-American Highway (Documents 254–272)